Ben Marthey

Cleveland Clinic, United States


Effective communication and decisive clinical judgement during a code can be the difference between life and death. Our aim in a mock code simulation is to help new and experienced RNFA's working in cardiac surgery at Cleveland clinic main campus hon their skills in reacting in a code. Using the combined knowledge of Basic Life Support training and perioperative technique our learners were evaluated on their effective communication, delegation and skills performance. The objectives of the simulation were: 1. Learners will delegate tasks to be performed during a code 2. Learners will use effective closed loop communication in a stressful environment 3. Learners will verbalize important tasks needed to be performed for successful patient positioning and prep. The simulation involves a scenario where the patient enters the Operating room and crashes on induction from anesthesia. The learners (RNFAs) are responsible for delegating and performing tasks needed to prepare the patient for an emergent sternotomy and cardiopulmonary bypass. The other simulated team members consist of a surgical resident, Circulator, Surgical technician, Anesthesia provider and perfusionist. The simulation involves a pre-brief where learners are introduced to the mock OR environment and given the patient scenario. The simulation is played out with each caregiver given the opportunity to be the lead RNFA in the scenario. Following the scenario, a debrief session occurs where learners were given feedback on their performance during the simulation. Our poster board would reflect the overall goals and objectives of the scenario, assessment tools for evaluating simulation performance and methods of debriefing to gauge learners’ willingness to implement the skills learned into their own practice. Lastly, a portion of our poste board will be dedicated to the learner’s feedback on their experience during the simulation.


Ben Marthey studied nursing at Cuyahoga Community College graduating with an associate degree in nursing. He began working in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit in 2012 spending 2 years in the ICU before moving into the RN circulator role at Cleveland Clinic Main Campus in cardiac surgery. In 2018, he finished his Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at Ohio University graduating Magna Cum Laude. After 2 years working and learning the circulator/scrub nurse role he obtained his CNOR certification and after 2 years obtained his Certified Registered Nurse First Assistant certification. Currently he’s the lead educator for his department.